Welcome to Hometown History Homework! Each week this summer we’ll be highlighting some New Jersey history that we’re reading and learning about as we gear up for Season 2 of Hometown History, NJ. These are not intended to be fully researched, fleshed out stories like the ones you hear on Hometown History (that would take a while!) Instead, we’re simply taking you behind the scenes of what we’re doing to prepare to being you more stellar episodes of Hometown History, NJ.
Hi again Katie- you asked for some feedback. I sent a comment to you the other day. Did you get it?
I believe it was my second or third since you started the podcast. This email is fantastic and very well done. Do you have a Facebook group? That might be easier to get more direction interactions from those that like and support your work.
Hi again Katie- you asked for some feedback. I sent a comment to you the other day. Did you get it?
I believe it was my second or third since you started the podcast. This email is fantastic and very well done. Do you have a Facebook group? That might be easier to get more direction interactions from those that like and support your work.